Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Democrats and Republicans View Points Essays -- Politics

Since the beginning of their inception the Republican and Democrats have had a great divide on their perceptions of what is best for this great nation of ours. Republicans and democrats are distinct in several ways above all in their ideas, politics and world views. Republicans seem to be known as conventional or cautious and they seem to embrace economic equity beyond any other thing. Whereas a Democrat seems to be more open minded and they stand for government supported programs. The purpose of the paper is to analyze, compare and contrast the two parties positions on the issues of same sex marriage, race based affirmative action and illegal immigration. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia â€Å"Affirmative action" means constructive periods reserved to rise the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded. Fletcher (1996) stated â€Å"Affirmative Action was spiraling unpleasant as Republicans in Congress and state legislatures across the country criticized the issue†. America gives the impression to be held up with fair-mindedness as equality which increases questions in the minds of many who are not acquainted with the unique purpose of Affirmative Action. This will always be an ongoing problem throughout history but has come a long ways from the early nineteen hundreds. Racial discrimination is noticed more in schools and in the workplace. Springer (2003) reported that the New York Times surveyed a few thousand respondents and found that eighty percent of black respondents believed in affirmative action. Republicans are said to have old-fashioned american main beliefs. They trust that people who are skilled for a profession should g... ... 4 (Dec , 2003), pp. 289-311 Published by: Springer Articles Stable URL: http:// Margaret E. Dorsey and Miquel Diaz- Barriga Senator Barack Obama Immigration Reform – Journals of Black Studies, Volume 38, NO. 1, The Barack Obama Phenomenon (Sep., 2007). Pp. 90-104 Published by: Sage Publications, INC.Articles Stable URL: http:// www. Jstor. Org/stable/40034404 Stoyan Zaimov Same Sex Marriage stirring Battle for the Heart and Soul of the GOP, Observers Say The Christian Post (Jan. 2012) Michael A. Fletcher Washington Post Staff Writer (Sept 18, 1996) pg. A12 (Apr 1, 2009)

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